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The CULTA Blog

Cannabis 101

two girls sitting by lake

How to Help a Friend Who smoked too much

Someone who gets too high may experience anxiety, paranoia, and other unpleasant symptoms. If you’re ever with a friend who gets too high, here’s how you can help.

Microdosing THC: What You Need to Know

Microdosing cannabis involves taking the smallest amount of the compound required to achieve the desired effect, allowing users to enjoy the various ...
clock that reads 420

What is 4/20?

Cannabis’ biggest day of the year can be traced back to a group of teens in the 1970s. Join us as we explore the history of 4/20 and share some facts about the day.
CULTA's Renier Fee Interviews Daniel Kulakowski from Green Analytics

Interview with Daniel Kulakowski, PH.D., Laboratory Director at Green Analytics

In this CULTA blog, Green Analytics Lab Director Daniel Kulakowski discusses how Maryland labs ensure integrity with cannabis test results
front of culta dispensary

Dispensary FAQs -- Dispensary Near Me, Products & More

As adult-use cannabis becomes legal in Maryland on July 1, 2023, we expect an influx of people to visit a cannabis dispensary for the very first ...

Eight Common Cannabis Terpenes & What They Do

If you’ve ever opened a jar of cannabis and been pleasantly surprised by its zesty, lemony scent, you’ve already had first-hand experience with ...
cannabis on a scale in a dispensary

How to Legally Obtain Medical Cannabis in Maryland

Ask ten different people why they use cannabis, and you’re likely to get ten different answers. Used around the world, cannabis can be used ...

Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Medical Cannabis Fresh

When stored properly, medical cannabis can maintain its freshness for up to two years. In this article, we’ll provide tips for keeping your medicine fresh.
THC isn't the only thing that matters when choosing your medical product

Why THC Isn’t the Only Thing That Matters

Many patients seek out cannabis with a high THC%, but they may be misinformed. Here’s why THC isn’t the only thing that matters in cannabis products.
CULTA Blog Seven Tips for Interacting with Your Budtender

Seven Tips for Interacting with Your Budtender

Taking full advantage of your budtender’s wealth of knowledge does require some effort on your part. Here are some tips on how to interact with your budtender.
derived terpenes showing orange fruit slices

Cannabis-Derived vs Non Cannabis-Derived Terpenes

In this blog, learn about cannabis-derived, non-cannabis-derived, and synthetic terpenes and what makes them unique.